3 OPS_WSS_SCALE=36/1024.0
6 set xlabel "Requested Operations per Second"
7 set x2label "Working Set Size (GB)"
11 set x2range [0:XMAX*OPS_WSS_SCALE]
18 set output "spec1.eps"
19 set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
20 plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
21 "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
22 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
23 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west-4kfs" with linespoints title "BlueSky (4K blocks)", \
24 "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-fullseg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (full fetches)", \
25 "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-noseg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (no segments)", \
26 "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-s3-west-noagg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (no read aggregation)", \
27 "../20110311/sfssum.20110313-azure" with linespoints title "Azure"
29 set output "spec2.eps"
30 set ylabel "Operation Latency (ms)"
32 plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
33 "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" using 1:3 with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
34 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
35 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west-4kfs" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (4K blocks)", \
36 "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-fullseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (full fetches)", \
37 "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-noseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (no segments)", \
38 "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-s3-west-noagg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (no read aggregation)", \
39 "../20110311/sfssum.20110313-azure" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Azure"
43 set x2range [0:XMAX*OPS_WSS_SCALE]
48 set output "spec-parallel1.eps"
49 set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
50 plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
51 "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-native-hi8" with linespoints title "Local (8 clients)", \
52 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
53 "../20110311/sfssum.20110314-s3-west-hi8" with linespoints title "BlueSky (8 clients)"
55 set output "spec-parallel2.eps"
56 set ylabel "Operation Latency (ms)"
57 plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
58 "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-native-hi8" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local (8 clients)", \
59 "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
60 "../20110311/sfssum.20110314-s3-west-hi8" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (8 clients)"