create unique index snapshot_contents_unique
on snapshot_contents(blockid, snapshotid);
+-- Summary statistics for each segment.
+create view segment_info as select * from
+ (select segmentid, max(timestamp) as mtime,
+ sum(size) as size, count(*) as objects
+ from block_index natural join segments group by segmentid)
+natural join
+ (select segmentid, sum(size) as used, count(*) as objects_used
+ from block_index where blockid in
+ (select blockid from snapshot_contents) group by segmentid);
+-- Ranking of segments to be cleaned, using a benefit function of
+-- (fraction free space)*(age of youngest object).
+create view cleaning_order as select *, (1-u)*age as benefit from
+ (select segmentid,
+ cast(used as real) / size as u, julianday('now') - mtime as age
+ from segment_info)
+where benefit > 0;