+ def loc_to_name(self, location):
+ return "log-%08d-%08d" % (location)
+ def name_to_loc(self, name):
+ m = re.match(r"^log-(\d+)-(\d+)$", name)
+ if m: return (int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)))
class LogItem:
"""In-memory representation of a single item stored in a log file."""
def close(self):
data = ''.join(self.data)
- filename = "log-%08d-%08d" % (self.location)
+ filename = self.backend.loc_to_name(self.location)
print "Would write %d bytes of data to %s" % (len(data), filename)
self.backend.write(filename, data)
class LogDirectory:
TARGET_SIZE = 4 << 20
- def __init__(self, backend, dir, seq):
+ def __init__(self, backend, dir):
self.backend = backend
self.dir_num = dir
- self.seq_num = seq
+ self.seq_num = 0
+ for logname in backend.list():
+ loc = backend.name_to_loc(logname[0])
+ if loc is not None and loc[0] == dir:
+ self.seq_num = max(self.seq_num, loc[1] + 1)
self.groups = {}
+ print "Starting sequence number is", self.seq_num
def open_segment(self):
seg = LogSegment(self.backend, (self.dir_num, self.seq_num))
The elements of the tuple are (directory, sequence, offset, size)."""
- filename = "log-%08d-%08d" % (location[0], location[1])
+ filename = backend.loc_to_name((location[0], location[1]))
data = backend.read(filename)[location[2] : location[2] + location[3]]
item = parse_item(data)
item.location = location
for (s, u) in sorted(inode_map.util.segments.items()):
if float(u[1]) / u[0] < 0.99 and u[1] > 0:
print "Should clean segment", s
- m = re.match(r"^log-(\d+)-(\d+)$", s)
- if m: inode_map.obsolete_segments.add((int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2))))
+ loc = backend.name_to_loc(s)
+ if s: inode_map.obsolete_segments.add(loc)
# Given that list of segments to clean, scan through those segments to find
# data which is still live and mark relevant inodes as needing to be
# rewritten.
dirty_inodes = set()
for s in inode_map.obsolete_segments:
- filename = "log-%08d-%08d" % s
+ filename = backend.loc_to_name(s)
print "Scanning", filename, "for live data"
for item in parse_log(backend.read(filename), filename):
if item.type in (ITEM_TYPE.DATA, ITEM_TYPE.INODE):
imap.build(backend, chkpt)
print chkpt
- log_dir = LogDirectory(backend, 1, 0)
+ log_dir = LogDirectory(backend, 0)
run_cleaner(backend, imap, log_dir)
imap.write(backend, log_dir)