BLUESKY_RUN_NAME=$(date +%Y%m%d)-$1
- #$HOME/bin/ mvrable-bluesky
- #$HOME/bin/ mvrable-bluesky-west
+ $HOME/bin/ mvrable-bluesky
+ $HOME/bin/ mvrable-bluesky-west
run_cmd $PROXY cleanup-proxy
run_cmd $PROXY run-proxy >$BLUESKY_RUN_NAME.proxy 2>&1 &
#run_spec s3-west-noseg sfs_bluesky
# Standard test with Azure instead of Amazon S3 for storage
-run_spec azure sfs_bluesky
+#run_spec azure sfs_bluesky
+# BlueSky, testing with a greater degree of parallelism
+run_spec s3-west-hi8-fixedsize sfs_bluesky-hi
+#run_spec native-hi8 sfs_bluesky-hi
set x2tics auto
set grid
-set key top right
+set key top left
set output "spec1.eps"
set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
"../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-fullseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (full fetches)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-noseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (no segments)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110313-azure" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Azure"
+set xrange [0:XMAX]
+set x2range [0:XMAX*OPS_WSS_SCALE]
+set xtics nomirror
+set x2tics auto
+set yrange [*:*]
+set output "spec-parallel1.eps"
+set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
+plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-native-hi8" with linespoints title "Local (8 clients)", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110314-s3-west-hi8" with linespoints title "BlueSky (8 clients)"
+set output "spec-parallel2.eps"
+set ylabel "Operation Latency (ms)"
+plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-native-hi8" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local (8 clients)", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
+ "../20110311/sfssum.20110314-s3-west-hi8" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (8 clients)"