plot "sfssum.20110225-native" with linespoints title "Linux knfsd", \
"sfssum.20110226-s3-bigcache" with linespoints title "BlueSky (64 GB Cache)", \
"sfssum.20110226-s3-smallcache" with linespoints title "BlueSky (1 GB Cache)", \
- "sfssum.20110228-azure-1GB" with linespoints title "BlueSky (Azure, 1 GB Cache)"
+ "sfssum.20110228-azure-1GB" with linespoints title "BlueSky (Azure, 1 GB Cache)", \
+ "sfssum.20110228-s3-west-1GB" with linespoints title "BlueSky (S3-US-West, 1 GB Cache)"
set term wxt 1
set ylabel "Latency (ms)"
plot "sfssum.20110225-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Linux knfsd", \
"sfssum.20110226-s3-bigcache" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (64 GB Cache)", \
"sfssum.20110226-s3-smallcache" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (1 GB Cache)", \
- "sfssum.20110228-azure-1GB" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (Azure, 1 GB Cache)"
+ "sfssum.20110228-azure-1GB" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (Azure, 1 GB Cache)", \
+ "sfssum.20110228-s3-west-1GB" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (S3-US-West, 1 GB Cache)"
set term wxt 2
set ylabel "Working Set Size (GB)"