--- /dev/null
+import os, random, sys, time
+def read_files(files, rate=1.0):
+ while True:
+ f = random.sample(files, 1)[0]
+ start = time.time()
+ fp = open(f, 'r')
+ blocks = (16 << 20) / 32768
+ offset = random.randrange(blocks) * 32768
+ fp.seek(offset)
+ fp.read(32768)
+ print time.time() - start
+ fp.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ all_files = []
+ for (path, dirs, files) in iter(os.walk(".")):
+ for f in files:
+ all_files.append(os.path.join(path, f))
+ print len(all_files), "files total"
+ read_files(all_files)
set x2tics auto
set grid
-set key top left
+set key top right
set output "spec1.eps"
set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
-plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
- "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
+plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west-4kfs" with linespoints title "BlueSky (4K blocks)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-fullseg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (full fetches)", \
- "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-noseg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (no segments)", \
- "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-s3-west-noagg" with linespoints title "BlueSky (no read aggregation)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110313-azure" with linespoints title "Azure"
set output "spec2.eps"
set ylabel "Operation Latency (ms)"
set yrange [0:50]
-plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
- "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" using 1:3 with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
+plot "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110311-s3-west-4kfs" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (4K blocks)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-fullseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (full fetches)", \
- "../20110311/sfssum.20110312-s3-west-noseg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (no segments)", \
- "../20110311/sfssum.20110315-s3-west-noagg" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (no read aggregation)", \
"../20110311/sfssum.20110313-azure" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Azure"