--- /dev/null
+/* Simple benchmark for Amazon S3: measures download speeds for
+ * differently-sized objects and with a variable number of parallel
+ * connections. */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "libs3.h"
+FILE *statsfile;
+S3BucketContext bucket;
+struct thread_state {
+ pthread_t thread;
+ int thread_num;
+ long long timestamp;
+ // Time when first bytes of the response were received
+ long long first_byte_timestamp;
+ // Statistics for computing mean and standard deviation
+ int n;
+ size_t bytes_sent;
+ double sum_x, sum_x2;
+ double sum_f;
+struct callback_state {
+ struct thread_state *ts;
+ size_t bytes_remaining;
+#define MAX_THREADS 128
+struct thread_state threads[MAX_THREADS];
+int experiment_threads, experiment_size, experiment_objects;
+pthread_mutex_t barrier_mutex;
+pthread_cond_t barrier_cond;
+int barrier_val;
+volatile enum phase test_phase;
+void barrier_signal()
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&barrier_mutex);
+ barrier_val--;
+ printf("Barrier: %d left\n", barrier_val);
+ if (barrier_val == 0)
+ pthread_cond_signal(&barrier_cond);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&barrier_mutex);
+long long get_ns()
+ struct timespec ts;
+ clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
+ return ts.tv_sec * 1000000000LL + ts.tv_nsec;
+static S3Status data_callback(int bufferSize, const char *buffer,
+ void *callbackData)
+ struct callback_state *state = (struct callback_state *)callbackData;
+ state->bytes_remaining -= bufferSize;
+ if (state->ts->first_byte_timestamp == 0)
+ state->ts->first_byte_timestamp = get_ns();
+ return S3StatusOK;
+static S3Status properties_callback(const S3ResponseProperties *properties,
+ void *callbackData)
+ return S3StatusOK;
+static void complete_callback(S3Status status,
+ const S3ErrorDetails *errorDetails,
+ void *callbackData)
+static void do_get(const char *key, size_t bytes, struct thread_state *ts)
+ struct callback_state state;
+ struct S3GetObjectHandler handler;
+ state.bytes_remaining = bytes;
+ state.ts = ts;
+ handler.responseHandler.propertiesCallback = properties_callback;
+ handler.responseHandler.completeCallback = complete_callback;
+ handler.getObjectDataCallback = data_callback;
+ S3_get_object(&bucket, key, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &handler, &state);
+void *benchmark_thread(void *arg)
+ struct thread_state *ts = (struct thread_state *)arg;
+ char namebuf[64];
+ int i = 0;
+ int stage = 0;
+ int measuring = 0;
+ ts->n = 0;
+ ts->sum_x = ts->sum_x2 = ts->sum_f = 0.0;
+ ts->bytes_sent = 0;
+ ts->timestamp = get_ns();
+ while (test_phase != TERMINATE) {
+ int object = random() % experiment_objects;
+ sprintf(namebuf, "file-%d-%d", experiment_size, object);
+ ts->first_byte_timestamp = 0;
+ do_get(namebuf, experiment_size, ts);
+ long long timestamp = get_ns();
+ long long elapsed = timestamp - ts->timestamp;
+ printf("Elapsed[%d-%d]: %lld ns\n", ts->thread_num, i, elapsed);
+ printf(" first data after: %lld ns\n",
+ ts->first_byte_timestamp - ts->timestamp);
+ if (measuring && test_phase == MEASURE) {
+ double e = elapsed / 1e9;
+ double f = (ts->first_byte_timestamp - ts->timestamp) / 1e9;
+ ts->n++;
+ ts->sum_x += e;
+ ts->sum_x2 += e * e;
+ ts->sum_f += f;
+ ts->bytes_sent += experiment_size;
+ }
+ i++;
+ if (stage == 0 && i > 2) {
+ barrier_signal();
+ stage = 1;
+ } else if (stage == 1 && ts->n >= 2) {
+ barrier_signal();
+ stage = 2;
+ }
+ ts->timestamp = timestamp;
+ if (test_phase == MEASURE)
+ measuring = 1;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void launch_thread(int n)
+ threads[n].thread_num = n;
+ if (pthread_create(&threads[n].thread, NULL, benchmark_thread, &threads[n]) != 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error launching thread!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+void wait_thread(int n)
+ void *result;
+ pthread_join(threads[n].thread, &result);
+void launch_test(int thread_count)
+ int i;
+ long long start_time = get_ns();
+ test_phase = LAUNCH;
+ barrier_val = thread_count;
+ assert(thread_count <= MAX_THREADS);
+ printf("Launching...\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < thread_count; i++)
+ launch_thread(i);
+ /* Wait until all threads are ready. */
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&barrier_mutex);
+ while (barrier_val > 0) {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&barrier_cond, &barrier_mutex);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&barrier_mutex);
+ printf("Measuring...\n");
+ barrier_val = thread_count;
+ test_phase = MEASURE;
+ /* Ensure all threads have measured some activity, then a bit more. */
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&barrier_mutex);
+ while (barrier_val > 0) {
+ pthread_cond_wait(&barrier_cond, &barrier_mutex);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&barrier_mutex);
+ printf("Data in from all threads...\n");
+ sleep(5);
+ printf("Terminating...\n");
+ test_phase = TERMINATE;
+ for (i = 0; i < thread_count; i++)
+ wait_thread(i);
+ int n = 0;
+ double sum_x = 0.0, sum_x2 = 0.0, sum_f = 0.0;
+ double bandwidth = 0.0;
+ for (i = 0; i < thread_count; i++) {
+ n += threads[i].n;
+ sum_x += threads[i].sum_x;
+ sum_x2 += threads[i].sum_x2;
+ sum_f += threads[i].sum_f;
+ bandwidth += threads[i].bytes_sent / threads[i].sum_x;
+ }
+ double elapsed = (get_ns() - start_time) / 1e9;
+ printf("*** %d threads, %d byte objects\n",
+ experiment_threads, experiment_size);
+ printf("Elapsed: %f s\n", elapsed);
+ printf("Data points: %d\n", n);
+ double mx = sum_x / n;
+ double sx = sqrt((sum_x2 - 2*sum_x*mx + n*mx*mx) / (n - 1));
+ printf("Time: %f ± %f s\n", mx, sx);
+ printf("Latency to first byte: %f\n", sum_f / n);
+ printf("Bandwidth: %f B/s\n", bandwidth);
+ fprintf(statsfile, "%d\t%d\t%f\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\n",
+ experiment_threads, experiment_size, elapsed, n,
+ mx, sx, bandwidth);
+ printf("Finished.\n");
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ statsfile = fopen("readbench.data", "a");
+ if (statsfile == NULL) {
+ perror("open stats file");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ S3_initialize(NULL, S3_INIT_ALL);
+ bucket.bucketName = "mvrable-benchmark";
+ bucket.protocol = S3ProtocolHTTP;
+ bucket.uriStyle = S3UriStylePath;
+ bucket.accessKeyId = getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID");
+ bucket.secretAccessKey = getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY");
+ pthread_mutex_init(&barrier_mutex, NULL);
+ pthread_cond_init(&barrier_cond, NULL);
+ if (argc < 4) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <threads> <size> <object-count>\n", argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ experiment_threads = atoi(argv[1]);
+ experiment_size = atoi(argv[2]);
+ experiment_objects = atoi(argv[3]);
+ assert(experiment_objects > 0);
+ launch_test(experiment_threads);
+ printf("Done.\n");
+ fclose(statsfile);
+ return 0;