It seems that in SQLite, max(x, NULL) yields NULL, not x. This was being
used to set the mtime of a segment to the maximum mtime of any object in
it, starting with an mtime of NULL. Fix the computation so it does the
right thing.
if (age != 0.0) {
- stmt = Prepare("update segments set mtime = max(mtime, ?) "
+ stmt = Prepare("update segments "
+ "set mtime = coalesce(max(mtime, ?), ?) "
"where segmentid = ?");
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 1, age);
- sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 2, SegmentToId(ref.get_segment()));
+ sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 2, age);
+ sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, 3, SegmentToId(ref.get_segment()));
rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);