--- /dev/null
+for f in *.gnuplot; do
+ [ "$f" = "common.gnuplot" ] && continue
+ echo "gnuplot: $f"
+ gnuplot $f
+for f in *.eps; do
+ echo "epstopdf: $f"
+ # Strip out PDF metadata which includes identifying usernames
+ sed -e $'/^SDict begin/,/^end/ {\n /^ \/.*(/d\n}' \
+ -e '/^%%\(Title\|CreationDate\)/d' <$f >$f.tmp
+ epstopdf --noembed --outfile=${f%.eps}.pdf $f.tmp
+ rm $f $f.tmp
--- /dev/null
+# Common plot settings for generating all paper figures. This file is included
+# in each of the plot scripts.
+# Settings for experimental work: graphs are larger and in color.
+set term postscript eps color dashed size 5,3.5 16
+# Settings for camera-ready: shrink plot size and increase font size so that
+# text is readable in the final paper.
+#set term postscript eps dashed size 3.5,2.5 20
--- /dev/null
+load "common.gnuplot"
+set grid
+set xlabel "Requested Operations per Second"
+set x2label "Working Set Size (GB)"
+set xrange [0:1000]
+set x2range [0:1000*OPS_WSS_SCALE]
+set x2tics auto
+set output "specsample1.eps"
+set ylabel "Achieved Operations per Second"
+plot "../20110226/sfssum.20110225-native" with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
+ "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
+ "../20110306/sfssum.20110306-s3-west-4GB" with linespoints title "BlueSky (4 GB cache, S3-west)"
+set output "specsample2.eps"
+set ylabel "Operation Latency (ms)"
+plot "../20110226/sfssum.20110225-native" using 1:3 with linespoints title "Local NFS Server", \
+ "../20110307/sfssum.20110307-ec2-west2" using 1:3 with linespoints title "EC2 NFS Server", \
+ "../20110306/sfssum.20110306-s3-west-4GB" using 1:3 with linespoints title "BlueSky (4 GB cache, S3-west)"