--- /dev/null
+"""High-level interface for working with LBS archives.
+This module provides an easy interface for reading from and manipulating
+various parts of an LBS archive:
+ - listing the snapshots and segments present
+ - reading segment contents
+ - parsing snapshot descriptors and snapshot metadata logs
+ - reading and maintaining the local object database
+from __future__ import division
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
+class Struct:
+ """A class which merely acts as a data container.
+ Instances of this class (or its subclasses) are merely used to store data
+ in various attributes. No methods are provided.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s %s>" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__)
+class LocalDatabase:
+ """Access to the local database of snapshot contents and object checksums.
+ The local database is consulted when creating a snapshot to determine what
+ data can be re-used from old snapshots. Segment cleaning is performed by
+ manipulating the data in the local database; the local database also
+ includes enough data to guide the segment cleaning process.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path, dbname="localdb.sqlite"):
+ self.db_connection = sqlite3.connect(path + "/" + dbname)
+ # Low-level database access. Use these methods when there isn't a
+ # higher-level interface available. Exception: do, however, remember to
+ # use the commit() method after making changes to make sure they are
+ # actually saved, even when going through higher-level interfaces.
+ def commit(self):
+ "Commit any pending changes to the local database."
+ self.db_connection.commit()
+ def rollback(self):
+ "Roll back any pending changes to the local database."
+ self.db_connection.rollback()
+ def cursor(self):
+ "Return a DB-API cursor for directly accessing the local database."
+ return self.db_connection.cursor()
+ def garbage_collect(self):
+ """Delete entries from old snapshots from the database."""
+ cur = self.cursor()
+ # Delete old snapshots.
+ cur.execute("""delete from snapshots
+ where snapshotid < (select max(snapshotid)
+ from snapshots)""")
+ # Delete entries in the snapshot_contents table which are for
+ # non-existent snapshots.
+ cur.execute("""delete from snapshot_contents
+ where snapshotid not in
+ (select snapshotid from snapshots)""")
+ # Find segments which contain no objects used by any current snapshots,
+ # and delete them from the segment table.
+ cur.execute("""delete from segments where segmentid not in
+ (select distinct segmentid from snapshot_contents
+ natural join block_index)""")
+ # Finally, delete objects contained in non-existent segments. We can't
+ # simply delete unused objects, since we use the set of unused objects
+ # to determine the used/free ratio of segments.
+ cur.execute("""delete from block_index
+ where segmentid not in
+ (select segmentid from segments)""")
+ # Segment cleaning.
+ class SegmentInfo(Struct): pass
+ def get_segment_cleaning_list(self, age_boost=0.0):
+ """Return a list of all current segments with information for cleaning.
+ Return all segments which are currently known in the local database
+ (there might be other, older segments in the archive itself), and
+ return usage statistics for each to help decide which segments to
+ clean.
+ The returned list will be sorted by estimated cleaning benefit, with
+ segments that are best to clean at the start of the list.
+ If specified, the age_boost parameter (measured in days) will added to
+ the age of each segment, as a way of adjusting the benefit computation
+ before a long-lived snapshot is taken (for example, age_boost might be
+ set to 7 when cleaning prior to taking a weekly snapshot).
+ """
+ cur = self.cursor()
+ segments = []
+ cur.execute("""select segmentid, used, size, mtime,
+ julianday('now') - mtime as age from segment_info""")
+ for row in cur:
+ info = self.SegmentInfo()
+ info.id = row[0]
+ info.used_bytes = row[1]
+ info.size_bytes = row[2]
+ info.mtime = row[3]
+ info.age_days = row[4]
+ # Benefit calculation: u is the estimated fraction of each segment
+ # which is utilized (bytes belonging to objects still in use
+ # divided by total size; this doesn't take compression or storage
+ # overhead into account, but should give a reasonable estimate).
+ #
+ # The total benefit is a heuristic that combines several factors:
+ # the amount of space that can be reclaimed (1 - u), an ageing
+ # factor (info.age_days) that favors cleaning old segments to young
+ # ones and also is more likely to clean segments that will be
+ # rewritten for long-lived snapshots (age_boost), and finally a
+ # penalty factor for the cost of re-uploading data (u + 0.1).
+ u = info.used_bytes / info.size_bytes
+ info.cleaning_benefit \
+ = (1 - u) * (info.age_days + age_boost) / (u + 0.1)
+ segments.append(info)
+ segments.sort(cmp, key=lambda s: s.cleaning_benefit, reverse=True)
+ return segments
+ def mark_segment_expired(self, segment):
+ """Mark a segment for cleaning in the local database.
+ The segment parameter should be either a SegmentInfo object or an
+ integer segment id. Objects in the given segment will be marked as
+ expired, which means that any future snapshots that would re-use those
+ objects will instead write out a new copy of the object, and thus no
+ future snapshots will depend upon the given segment.
+ """
+ if isinstance(segment, int):
+ id = segment
+ elif isinstance(segment, self.SegmentInfo):
+ id = segment.id
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid segment: %s, must be of type int or SegmentInfo, not %s" % (segment, type(segment)))
+ cur = self.cursor()
+ cur.execute("update block_index set expired = 1 where segmentid = ?",
+ (id,))
+ def balance_expired_objects(self):
+ """Analyze expired objects in segments to be cleaned and group by age.
+ Update the block_index table of the local database to group expired
+ objects by age. The exact number of buckets and the cutoffs for each
+ are dynamically determined. Calling this function after marking
+ segments expired will help in the segment cleaning process, by ensuring
+ that when active objects from clean segments are rewritten, they will
+ be placed into new segments roughly grouped by age.
+ """
+ # The expired column of the block_index table is used when generating a
+ # new LBS snapshot. A null value indicates that an object may be
+ # re-used. Otherwise, an object must be written into a new segment if
+ # needed. Objects with distinct expired values will be written into
+ # distinct segments, to allow for some grouping by age. The value 0 is
+ # somewhat special in that it indicates any rewritten objects can be
+ # placed in the same segment as completely new objects; this can be
+ # used for very young objects which have been expired, or objects not
+ # expected to be encountered.
+ #
+ # In the balancing process, all objects which are not used in any
+ # current snapshots will have expired set to 0. Objects which have
+ # been seen will be sorted by age and will have expired values set to
+ # 0, 1, 2, and so on based on age (with younger objects being assigned
+ # lower values). The number of buckets and the age cutoffs is
+ # determined by looking at the distribution of block ages.
+ cur = self.cursor()
+ # First step: Mark all unused-and-expired objects with expired = -1,
+ # which will cause us to mostly ignore these objects when rebalancing.
+ # At the end, we will set these objects to be in group expired = 0.
+ # Mark expired objects which still seem to be in use with expired = 0;
+ # these objects will later have values set to indicate groupings of
+ # objects when repacking.
+ cur.execute("""update block_index set expired = -1
+ where expired is not null""")
+ cur.execute("""update block_index set expired = 0
+ where expired is not null and blockid in
+ (select blockid from snapshot_contents)""")
+ # We will want to aim for at least one full segment for each bucket
+ # that we eventually create, but don't know how many bytes that should
+ # be due to compression. So compute the average number of bytes in
+ # each expired segment as a rough estimate for the minimum size of each
+ # bucket. (This estimate could be thrown off by many not-fully-packed
+ # segments, but for now don't worry too much about that.) If we can't
+ # compute an average, it's probably because there are no expired
+ # segments, so we have no more work to do.
+ cur.execute("""select avg(size) from segment_info
+ where segmentid in
+ (select distinct segmentid from block_index
+ where expired is not null)""")
+ segment_size_estimate = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ if not segment_size_estimate:
+ return
+ # Next, extract distribution of expired objects (number and size) by
+ # age. Save the timestamp for "now" so that the classification of
+ # blocks into age buckets will not change later in the function, after
+ # time has passed. Set any timestamps in the future to now, so we are
+ # guaranteed that for the rest of this function, age is always
+ # non-negative.
+ cur.execute("select julianday('now')")
+ now = cur.fetchone()[0]
+ cur.execute("""update block_index set timestamp = ?
+ where timestamp > ? and expired is not null""",
+ (now, now))
+ cur.execute("""select round(? - timestamp) as age, count(*), sum(size)
+ from block_index where expired = 0
+ group by age order by age""", (now,))
+ distribution = cur.fetchall()
+ # Start to determine the buckets for expired objects. Heuristics used:
+ # - An upper bound on the number of buckets is given by the number of
+ # segments we estimate it will take to store all data. In fact,
+ # aim for a couple of segments per bucket.
+ # - Place very young objects in bucket 0 (place with new objects)
+ # unless there are enough of them to warrant a separate bucket.
+ # - Try not to create unnecessarily many buckets, since fewer buckets
+ # will allow repacked data to be grouped based on spatial locality
+ # (while more buckets will group by temporal locality). We want a
+ # balance.
+ MIN_AGE = 4
+ total_bytes = sum([i[2] for i in distribution])
+ target_buckets = 2 * (total_bytes / segment_size_estimate) ** 0.4
+ min_size = 1.5 * segment_size_estimate
+ target_size = max(2 * segment_size_estimate,
+ total_bytes / target_buckets)
+ print "segment_size:", segment_size_estimate
+ print "distribution:", distribution
+ print "total_bytes:", total_bytes
+ print "target_buckets:", target_buckets
+ print "min, target size:", min_size, target_size
+ # Chosen cutoffs. Each bucket consists of objects with age greater
+ # than one cutoff value, but not greater than the next largest cutoff.
+ cutoffs = []
+ # Starting with the oldest objects, begin grouping together into
+ # buckets of size at least target_size bytes.
+ distribution.reverse()
+ bucket_size = 0
+ min_age_bucket = False
+ for (age, items, size) in distribution:
+ if bucket_size >= target_size \
+ or (age < MIN_AGE and not min_age_bucket):
+ if bucket_size < target_size and len(cutoffs) > 0:
+ cutoffs.pop()
+ cutoffs.append(age)
+ bucket_size = 0
+ bucket_size += size
+ if age < MIN_AGE:
+ min_age_bucket = True
+ # The last (youngest) bucket will be group 0, unless it has enough data
+ # to be of size min_size by itself, or there happen to be no objects
+ # less than MIN_AGE at all.
+ if bucket_size >= min_size or not min_age_bucket:
+ cutoffs.append(-1)
+ cutoffs.append(-1)
+ print "cutoffs:", cutoffs
+ # Update the database to assign each object to the appropriate bucket.
+ cutoffs.reverse()
+ for i in range(len(cutoffs)):
+ cur.execute("""update block_index set expired = ?
+ where round(? - timestamp) > ? and expired >= 0""",
+ (i, now, cutoffs[i]))
+ cur.execute("update block_index set expired = 0 where expired = -1")