--- /dev/null
+# Generate parity blocks for backup segments, so that the corruption or loss of
+# some segment data can be recovered, and does not render a snapshot
+# unreadable.
+# par2 is used to generate the parity blocks. This script merely automates the
+# creation and maintenance of these parity files.
+# This program will incrementally update parity files. Input files which are
+# not protected will have parity files generated. If there are many new files,
+# they will be grouped into about 16-file blocks and parity files generated for
+# each block. If files have been deleted, obsolete parity sets will be
+# removed.
+# The generated parity files are given a name of parity-<hexdigits>.par2.
+# Associated with each is a parity-<hexdigits>.manifest file which specifies
+# how many file losses are protected against, and which files specifically are
+# protected by that set.
+import md5, os, re, sys
+from subprocess import Popen
+SEG_REGEXP = r"^([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})(\.\S+)?$"
+def build_parity_set(files, recoverycount):
+ """Low-level function to call out to par2 to generate parity files.
+ Given a specific list of files, use par2 to generate a set of checksums for
+ recovery of that exact file list. Arrange so that at least recoverycount
+ files can be lost from the set and still recover the data.
+ """
+ files.sort()
+ name = md5.md5()
+ for f in files: name.update(f)
+ name = name.hexdigest()
+ maxsize = max([os.stat(os.path.join(basedir, f)).st_size for f in files])
+ blocksize = (maxsize + 15) // 16
+ blocksize = (blocksize + 3) & ~3
+ print name, blocksize, files
+ p = Popen(["par2", "create", "-s%d" % (blocksize,),
+ "-c%d" % (recoverycount * 16), "-n%d" % (recoverycount,),
+ "-u", "-v", "parity-%s" % (name,)] + files,
+ cwd=basedir)
+ retcode = p.wait()
+ if retcode:
+ raise RuntimeError("Nonzero return code from par2: %s" % (retcode,))
+ descfile = open(os.path.join(basedir, "parity-%s.manifest" % (name,)), 'w')
+ descfile.write("%d\n" % (recoverycount,))
+ for f in files:
+ descfile.write(f + "\n")
+ descfile.close()
+def generate_parity(files):
+ """Generate parity files for the given list of input files.
+ This will automatically break the list of input files into smaller chunks,
+ and generate separate parity files for each chunk.
+ """
+ files = list(files)
+ files.sort()
+ while files:
+ count = min(16, len(files))
+ redundancy = 1 + count // 4
+ build_parity_set(files[0:count], redundancy)
+ files = files[count:]
+def remove_parity(manifest):
+ """Delete the given set of parity files and associated metadata."""
+ suffix = '.manifest'
+ if manifest.endswith(suffix):
+ manifest = manifest[:-len(suffix)]
+ matches = [f for f in file_list if f.startswith(manifest)]
+ print "Delete", matches
+ for f in matches:
+ os.unlink(os.path.join(basedir, f))
+basedir = sys.argv[1]
+file_list = os.listdir(basedir)
+parity_list = [f for f in file_list if re.match(r"^parity-.*\.manifest$", f)]
+segment_list = set(f for f in file_list if re.match(SEG_REGEXP, f))
+to_delete = []
+for p in parity_list:
+ files = [l.strip() for l in open(os.path.join(basedir, p))]
+ redundancy = int(files[0])
+ files = files[1:]
+ missing = 0
+ for f in files:
+ if not os.access(os.path.join(basedir, f), os.F_OK):
+ missing += 1
+ min_redundancy = 1 + len(files) // 8
+ if missing:
+ print "Parity set %s is missing %d files, can recover %d more" \
+ % (p, missing, redundancy - missing)
+ if redundancy - missing < min_redundancy or missing:
+ to_delete.append(p)
+ else:
+ segment_list.difference_update(files)
+print "Need parity:", list(segment_list)
+print "Deleting:", to_delete
+for p in to_delete:
+ remove_parity(p)