load "common.gnuplot" set grid set xlabel "Client Write Rate (MB/s): 2-Minute Burst" set ylabel "Average Write Latency (ms/1 MB write)" set key bottom right set yrange [0:*] set output "syn-write.eps" set title "Latency vs. Write Rate with Constrained Upload" plot "../20110405/synwrite-256M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000):($3*1000) with yerrorbars title "128 MB Write Buffer", \ "../20110405/synwrite-2048M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000):($3*1000) with yerrorbars title "1 GB Write Buffer", \ "../20110405/synwrite-256M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000) with lines lt 1 notitle, \ "../20110405/synwrite-2048M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000) with lines lt 2 notitle set yrange [0:*] set output "syn-write10.eps" set title "Latency vs. Write Rate with Constrained Upload" plot "../20110815/synwrite-256M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000) with linespoints title "128 MB Write Buffer" #"../20110815/synwrite-2048M-summary.data" using 1:($2*1000) with linespoints title "1 GB Write Buffer"