load "common.gnuplot" set grid set xlabel "Proxy Cache Size (% Working Set)" set ylabel "Read Latency (ms)" set xrange [0:100] set output "syn-read-1.eps" set title "Single-Client Request Stream" set key top right plot "../20110316-synread/32k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "32 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/128k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "128 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/1024k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "1024 KB" set output "syn-read-16.eps" set title "16 Concurrent Request Streams" set key top left plot "../20110316-synread/32k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "32 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/128k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "128 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/1024k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):4 with linespoints title "1024 KB" set ylabel "Read Bandwidth (MB/s)" set output "syn-read-1b.eps" set title "Single-Client Request Stream" set key top left plot "../20110316-synread/32k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "32 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/128k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "128 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/1024k-c1.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "1024 KB" set output "syn-read-16b.eps" set title "16 Concurrent Request Streams" set key top right plot "../20110316-synread/32k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "32 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/128k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "128 KB", \ "../20110316-synread/1024k-c16.data" using (100*$1/32):3 with linespoints title "1024 KB"