load "common.gnuplot" set grid set title "Storage Used: Writes Running Concurrently with Cleaner" set ylabel "Cloud Storage Consumed (MB)" set key top right set noxtics set yrange [0:*] set output "cleaner.eps" plot "../20110925/cleaner.data" using 0:(($1+$2)/1024**2) with boxes fill solid 0.0 lt 1 title "Reclaimed", \ "../20110925/cleaner.data" using 0:(($1+$2-$3)/1024**2) with boxes fill solid 0.25 lt 1 title "Still Wasted", \ "../20110925/cleaner.data" using 0:($1/1024**2) with boxes fill solid 0.5 lt 1 title "Used" set output "cleaner-rw.eps" plot "../20110925/cleaner.data" using 0:($5/1024**2) with boxes fill solid 0.0 lt 1 title "Bytes Written"