--- /dev/null
+"""A simple Python library for accessing the Windows Azure blob service."""
+import base64, hashlib, hmac, httplib, os, time, urllib
+import xml.dom.minidom
+# The version of the Azure API we implement; sent in the x-ms-version header.
+API_VERSION = '2009-09-19'
+def uri_decode(s):
+ return urllib.unquote_plus(s)
+def uri_encode(s):
+ return urllib.quote_plus(s)
+def xmlGetText(nodelist):
+ text = []
+ def walk(nodes):
+ for node in nodes:
+ if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
+ text.append(node.data)
+ else:
+ walk(node.childNodes)
+ walk(nodelist)
+ return ''.join(text)
+def xmlParse(s):
+ return xml.dom.minidom.parseString(s)
+def buildQueryString(uri, params={}):
+ for (k, v) in params.items():
+ if v is None: continue
+ kv = '%s=%s' % (uri_encode(k), uri_encode(v))
+ if '?' not in uri:
+ uri += '?' + kv
+ else:
+ uri += '&' + kv
+ return uri
+def add_auth_headers(headers, method, path, account, key):
+ header_order = ['Content-Encoding', 'Content-Language', 'Content-Length',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Content-Type', 'Date', 'If-Modified-Since',
+ 'If-Match', 'If-None-Match', 'If-Unmodified-Since',
+ 'Range']
+ if not headers.has_key('Date'):
+ headers['Date'] = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
+ time.gmtime())
+ if not headers.has_key('x-ms-version'):
+ headers['x-ms-version'] = API_VERSION
+ StringToSign = method + "\n"
+ for h in header_order:
+ if h in headers:
+ StringToSign += headers[h] + "\n"
+ else:
+ StringToSign += "\n"
+ # Add Canonicalized Headers
+ canonized = []
+ for (k, v) in headers.items():
+ k = k.lower()
+ if k.startswith('x-ms-'):
+ canonized.append((k, v))
+ canonized.sort()
+ for (k, v) in canonized:
+ StringToSign += "%s:%s\n" % (k, v)
+ resource = "/" + account
+ if '?' not in path:
+ resource += path
+ else:
+ (path, params) = path.split('?', 1)
+ params = [p.split('=') for p in params.split("&")]
+ params = dict((k.lower(), uri_decode(v)) for (k, v) in params)
+ resource += path
+ for k in sorted(params):
+ resource += "\n%s:%s" % (k, params[k])
+ StringToSign += resource
+ h = hmac.new(key, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
+ h.update(StringToSign)
+ signature = base64.b64encode(h.digest())
+ headers['Authorization'] = "SharedKey %s:%s" % (account, signature)
+class AzureError(RuntimeError):
+ def __init__(self, response):
+ self.response = response
+ self.details = response.read()
+class AzureConnection:
+ def __init__(self, account=None, key=None):
+ if account is None:
+ account = os.environ['AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME']
+ self.account = account
+ self.host = account + ".blob.core.windows.net"
+ #self.conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host)
+ if key is None:
+ key = os.environ['AZURE_SECRET_KEY']
+ self.key = base64.b64decode(key)
+ def _make_request(self, path, method='GET', body="", headers={}):
+ headers = headers.copy()
+ headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(body))
+ if len(body) > 0:
+ headers['Content-MD5'] \
+ = base64.b64encode(hashlib.md5(body).digest())
+ add_auth_headers(headers, method, path, self.account, self.key)
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(self.host)
+ conn.request(method, path, body, headers)
+ response = conn.getresponse()
+ if response.status // 100 != 2:
+ raise AzureError(response)
+ return response
+ #print "Response:", response.status
+ #print "Headers:", response.getheaders()
+ #body = response.read()
+ def list(self, container, prefix=''):
+ marker = None
+ while True:
+ path = '/' + container + '?restype=container&comp=list'
+ path = buildQueryString(path, {'prefix': prefix, 'marker': marker})
+ r = self._make_request(path)
+ xml = xmlParse(r.read())
+ blobs = xml.getElementsByTagName('Blob')
+ for b in blobs:
+ yield xmlGetText(b.getElementsByTagName('Name'))
+ marker = xmlGetText(xml.getElementsByTagName('NextMarker'))
+ if marker == "":
+ return
+ def get(self, container, key):
+ path = "/%s/%s" % (container, key)
+ r = self._make_request(path)
+ return r.read()
+ def put(self, container, key, value):
+ path = "/%s/%s" % (container, key)
+ r = self._make_request(path, method='PUT', body=value,
+ headers={'x-ms-blob-type': 'BlockBlob'})
+ def delete(self, container, key):
+ path = "/%s/%s" % (container, key)
+ r = self._make_request(path, method='DELETE')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ container = 'benchmark'
+ conn = AzureConnection()
+ print "Container contents:"
+ for k in conn.list(container):
+ print k
+ conn.put(container, "testkey", "A" * 40)
+ print "Fetch result:", conn.get(container, "testkey")
+ for k in list(iter(conn.list(container))):
+ conn.delete(container, k)