load "common.gnuplot" set output "s3bench.eps" set logscale xy set xlabel "Object Size (bytes)" set ylabel "Effective Upload Bandwidth (Mbps)" set key bottom right set xrange [1:1e8]; set xtics 1, 100 set yrange [0.0001:1000] plot "../s3test-old/t1.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "1", \ "../s3test-old/t2.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "2", \ "../s3test-old/t4.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "4", \ "../s3test-old/t8.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "8", \ "../s3test-old/t16.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "16", \ "../s3test-old/t32.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "32", \ "../s3test-old/t64.data" using 2:($7*8/10**6) with linespoints title "Threads: 64"